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DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300

اذهب الى الأسفل

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300 Empty DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300

مُساهمة من طرف emadsoliman الجمعة يونيو 11, 2010 10:53 am

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300 4tx53d

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300 Kccbia

الكثير منا يعاني من بعض مشاكل الملفات الصوتية والاوديو ولكن مع برنامج DFX Audio Enhancer لا قلق بعد اليوم
يمكنك الآن تحسين الصوت وتضخيمه وتكبير الصوت عن طريق برنامج تكبير الصوت وتحسينه حيث يتيح لك البرنامج تحسين الصوت ومعالجته كما يتيح ايضا رفع جودة الصوت الصادر من السماعات.
متوفر من برنامج DFX Audio Enhancer العديد من الاصدارات متوافقة مع العديد من برامج الصوت والاوديو والصوتيات المختلفة ليعمل عليها

Give your digital music files more vibrancy with DFX®️ Audio Enhancer!
DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3, Windows Media, Internet radio and other music files. With DFX you can transform the sound of your PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment. Renew stereo depth, boost your audio levels and produce a deep, rich bass sound.

برنامج رائع لتحسين وتضخيم الصوت
البرنامج يدعم المشغلات الاتية

Real Player
Windows Media Player
(32 & 64 bit)
J. River Media Center
Musicmatch Jukebox

DFX Audio Enhancer - Sound plugin for better sound player Winamp, Windows Media Player, J. River Media Player, foobar2000, and MusicMatch Jukebox. The sound quality is significantly improved by improving the frequency characteristics, and what is this plugin.
With DFX Audio Enhancer eliminated two major drawbacks - a cut of high frequencies and the lack of stereo separation and depth, and added surround modes and super bass. With this tool, you will receive the highest quality sound and can hear the music of such purity, as if you're sitting in a concert hall or next to a musician. It is worth noting that all the settings DFX Audio Enhancer located in a single window interface tool. The plugin is pleasant and it is easily configured and use user interface.
Features DFX Audio Enhancer:
"Advanced DSP enhanced sound effects
"Optimize sound with headphones and desktop speakers
"Custom music presets for quick setup parameters playing
"Dynamic Sound Spectrum Analyzer
"Powerful Audio Processing Modes
"Stylish, shaped skins Interface
"Backup and restore presets
"The regime reduced the interface, preserving space on the slave. table
"Support for 5.1/7.1 sound
"Support for 64-bit Windows OS

New features and enhancements:
"Automatic selection of preset assotsiitiruemymi songs
"Backup and restore your own presets
"10-band audio spectrum analyzer
"Improved user control
"The new user interface
"Support for 64-bit Windows

Activating / Activation: Yes
Interface Language / Language: English
OS: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7

مساحه البرنامج

24 ميجا

مرفق كيجين لجعل البرنامج كامل

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.300 Download

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المدير العام المدير العام

عدد المساهمات : 520
نقاط : 1388
عدد مرات الشكر : 39
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/05/2010


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